Caption Corner for October 2011
Caption Picture
Apologies to WSRA Journal for the title of this page and the similar idea to the regular Journal feature.
Thanks to Jon Tooke for suggesting a Caption Corner page for this web site.
Have a look at the previous Caption Corners.
Your captions...
From Jon Tooke:
»All too late the driver realises that he will need a bigger container to carry the bucket of steam in.
»"Can't stop now as the bottle of 'Evian' in me pocket has just burst and it's making me leg wet!"
»"Sorry everyone, it's these tablets I'm taking"
From Eric Broom:
»"Where's the nearest toilet ? --Too late "
From Nick Jones:
»You can not just steam into Mordor.
From Chris Osment:
»Drat - now those blighters on Caption Corner will be taking the p**s!
»I don't think we're supposed to do that while standing in the station...
»Is this what they mean by having your waters breaking?
»Driver suddenly spots 40 photographers at the turntable, all with cameras poised...
»Is this what they mean by an 'early discharge' under their new retirement scheme?
From Steve Richardson:
»Yet another WSR driver skips lightfoot off to the BBC for "WSR Come dancing"
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